Edge AI Fundamentals
Accelerate DL Development For Edge Devices
Computer Vision Insights
Create Inference Engine Core Objects
Differentiate Between Classification And Object Detection And Segmentation Models
Edge AI
Edge Security In IoT
End-to-End Intel Vision Portfolio Product Knowledge
Identify And Explain Vision Use Cases
Juptyer* Notebook On Intel® DevCloud
Model Optimizer For Generic Optimization
Open Model Zoo
OpenVINO™ Toolkit To Select/recommend The Most Appropriate Intel® Hardware For Your Inference Application
OpenVINO™ Toolkit Usage
Post Training Optimization for command line tools for OpenVINO™
Training And Deploying Deep Learning Modules
Use Intel® DevCloud For The Edge To Prototype And Accelerate The Development Of AI Inferencing Projects
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- *其它名称和品牌可能是其它公司的财产。